What I'm so surprised at is the overwhelming amount of "NERF THIS" which appears in the Skorne community. It seems like they want anything and everything to be toned down or eliminated. I don't get this.

Werecat and a few others have even posted on this and how it's so bizzaro. I just don't get it.
Maybe it's because I'm not all that invested in my Skorne army that I really don't care what happens. But when I read the new Skorne rules I wasn't shocked and awed, I was "meh'd."
I just can't see where people are coming from, it's as if they feel guilty for having decent figs.
So to PPS "GOOD DAMN JOB" with the field test.
To the Skorne community, "GROW A PAIR!"
(Ahhhhhh, I feel better.)