While our meta isn't represented by the full spectrum of factions our group does however have a fantastic mix in both player ability and variety.
As of June 17th my current 2009 win record is as follows.
vs. Cygnar 9 Wins 6 Losses = 60%
vs. Menoth 6 Wins 0 Losses = 100%
vs. Khador 4 Wins 0 Losses = 100%
vs. Cryx 3 Wins 1 Loss = 75%
vs. Mercs 4 Wins 0 Losses = 100%
vs. Trolls 6 Wins 0 Losses = 100%
vs. Legion 5 Wins 2 Losses = 71.43%
vs. Circle 2 Wins 0 Losses = 100%
vs. Skorne 0 Wins 0 Losses = N/A
Add all that up and you've got an overall win record of 81.25% Not too shabby.
All this success has really had me thinking these last few week. That and having an incredible amount of free time at work. I've come up with a new blog post that I hope to have together by the end of the week. I call it the "Be Attitudes Of Wargaming." Essentially it'll be a post on some attributes of what I view as a successful war gamer. More to come.