No painting whatsoever.
OK. So I had a goal, a plan, a thing to do. It was simple really. Just paint the seether. Well I failed miserably. It's not even primed yet. Worse that that, the poor brute has taken some battle damage as it spikes keep getting knocked off thanks to my foam not being deep enough.
One positive note is that I watched P3's Core painting guide yesterday. It was informative. Sadly nothing that I didn't know before. I digress, I admit that my washes had been drying all crazy on me, according to the video it's because of the tap water. They recommend their mixing medium. I used to wash windows for a living and I know that purified water drys real nice and spot free. I wonder if that's essentially what their mixing medium is. I'll have to try it.
I was going to get some painting done but now that my summer job has kicked in it'll have to wait for another day. Maybe, just maybe by this Wednesday I'll have something to show.